
Behavior & Training

  • Most Springers are happy, outgoing dogs with a love of family and fun. They're playful and enjoy playing the clown, yet they can be quite regal when standing alert. Springers maintain a fierce loyalty to their owner, moving quickly to be at your side the moment you enter the room.

  • Merry, bright, and animated, but also docile, sweet, and calm, English Toy Spaniels make excellent lap dogs and indoor family pets, especially for seniors and families with someone home most of the day.

  • Many veterinarians, including nutritionists and behaviorists, believe it is important for dogs and cats to express their natural foraging and hunting behaviors. For pets living indoors, this can be difficult, and the lack of this stimulation can sometimes lead to behavior problems. Enriching a pet's environment with food toys and puzzles at mealtimes can fulfill the need to forage. The use of toys, puzzles and other novel methods of food delivery can also be effective ways to increase daily movement in overweight or inactive pets.

  • Entles are more of a lifestyle than a pet – they want to be with their primary human as much as possible and they want you to play.

  • Sólo es necesario enseñarle unas cuantas reglas básicas, pero puede durar muy poco tiempo o en ocasiones varios días o varias semanas. Esto no implica que podamos confiar en que el cachorro vaya por la casa sin hacerse nada.

  • Behavior Management: Pet Selection Guidelines

    Pueden evitarse muchos problemas de salud y de comportamiento en las mascotas pidiendo consejo antes de adquirirlas. Estos consejos ayudan, primero, a seleccionar la mejor mascota para una familia en particular, para lo cual hay que tener en cuenta la especie, la raza, la edad y el sexo del animal, y también el lugar en el que se va a adquirir.

  • The estrous cycle, better known as a female cat's heat cycle, consists of several stages; the stage called estrus refers to when the female is sexually receptive. This handout explains the age of onset, the clinical signs of a cat in heat, the length and phases of the heat cycle, as well as the benefits of spaying a female before her first heat cycle.

  • Losing weight can be difficult. While feeding a prescription weight loss diet is certainly a good start in a weight loss program for your cat, it is important to remember that food intake is only one part of the problem; energy expenditure is also significant. Encouraging your cat to exercise by playing with him, putting his food in unusual places so he has to look for it, and making him work for his food (e.g., training, foraging toys) will help.

  • Obesity occurs when a cat consumes more calories than they expend. Therefore, managing obesity in cats often requires both dietary changes and increased exercise/activity. There are several methods for increasing activity in cats, including play, using cat trees and climbing structures, outdoor enclosures, and intentional, active feeding practices. Each of these can be beneficial in promoting weight loss.

  • You’ve probably heard lots of funny cat anecdotes; about how you don’t own them…they own YOU; how they feel superior to everyone, especially dogs; that they expect to be treated like royalty. If you are considering a feline acquisition, first consider this: lots of those remarks are true! This handout explains the other factors to consider in selecting the cat most likely to choose your family, too.